Our Story

As the world continues to be an ever-changing place, we regularly read on the news how polluted our air, water, and foods are becoming each day. Our generation has witnessed more pandemics and diseases more than ever —-from existing illnesses to novel viruses —-including those that were rare in our parents' generation.

For example, cancer was sporadic and a rare case 100 years ago. But nowadays, doctors and healthcare specialists diagnose one-in-four (1-in-4) people with cancer. Why is that so? That’s because the food we eat and our environment is much more polluted and contaminated than ever before.

Recently, I saw a TV documentary that exposed how factories breed “Quick Chickens” — where chickens can grow to full size for poultry production in just 40 days. The trick to boosting their growth lies in feeding them hormones, antibiotics, and alternating a variety of drugs.

Additionally, the environment that these chickens thrive in is detestable. What’s more, is that other “quick farms” house domestic animals such as cows, pigs, and seafood farming.

Even if you are a vegetarian, there’s no guarantee that your food is safe from unwanted chemicals, insecticides, and fertilizers. Due to the lasting effects of strong chemicals, we know that rinsing with water alone won’t be enough to get rid of the pesticides or toxic substances, especially when they are oil-based. Therefore I have come to the obvious conclusion that anybody eating these mass-produced and chemically-induced foods is like consuming poison over time.

That was the point where I knew we needed to change the way we prepare our food, not only to protect ourselves but our loved ones. After laborious research, I found no single solution in the marketplace.

Furthermore, one of my business colleagues in Germany told me about a company that is researching and innovating a groundbreaking food sanitizer. I found out that this specialized equipment can decompose added hormones and pesticides while killing viruses and bacteria from food, thereby preserving nutrition and extending storage time.

That moment was when I got genuinely excited, as it sounded like my dream product. I contacted the company immediately and found out the details of their technology. The more I study the information I have, the more excited I became about this incredible life-changing solution. I firmly believe that this revolutionary product will make a positive impact on all families around the world who would use it. Every household could benefit from it.

The food sanitizer could not change nor prevent the dangers brought about by the cultivation process; and the fact that most foods are contaminated and polluted in the beginning. Still, it acts as a last line of defense and removes the poisonous substances before they get in our body and affect our health.

With that, our team and I promptly decided to purchase the rights of this technology and market this product to North America. We are the creators of the Amazing Water Group of Products —- from our family to yours. We have your best interest in mind. Welcome To Amazing Water! — Andrew Palmer, Co-Founder


At Amazing Water Inc., we provide innovative and reliable water, air, and food products that will enhance and ensure people’s health and safety.


Amazing Water will become a household name and it’s products will be used by more than 1 million households globally. We will provide superior products that will instil the families’ confidence in the water they drink, air they breathe and food they eat.

Our Core Values:

  1. Identify the company’s vision and show conviction to it.

  2. Deliver commendable products and services and provide more value to customers than the prices we charge.

  3. Perform excellent work consistently, especially on important matters.

  4. Build a platform and foster an environment where team members can perform their best.

  5. Always carry through with our promises and build up our trust and reputation with our fellow team members and customers.

  6. Be a highly consumer-centric brand in the niche we compete in.

  7. Respect team members who admit honest mistakes and have the courage to correct them.

  8. Execute everything efficiently and avoid holding up the flow.

  9. Encourage prompt communication, updates, and information dissemination among team members so everyone can work efficiently and in synergy.

  10. Action, action, action; knowing only action will bring results.