How Unhealthy is our Food Today?

How Unhealthy is our Food Today.jpg

The human population is rapidly increasing in the past decades, especially from fast-developing countries. Moreover, Canada experienced an 18% rise in population for the last ten years.

This drastic change over the years has resulted in an ever-increasing demand for res, particularly in the food industry. 

On the other hand, the constant increase in the number of people tipped the consumer and supply proportion, threatening an impending shortage of our resources.

On the other hand, food nutrients are one of the major components of humanity’s survival. Following this ever-present need, the food market continually upgrades its capacity to achieve people’s exigencies. 

However, the exponentiating demand for food resources and nutrients forced leading research institutes and farms to expand their service with technology. This led to the birth of GMO, pesticides, synthetic growth hormones, and other products of modern research which significantly impacted the norm of the food industry today.

Adverse Effects of GMO on our Health

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are organisms that had their DNA modified through genetic engineering. This method has been widely used by a variety of industries to achieve optimal results. 

Furthermore, the food industry also made extravagant use of these organisms in producing crops, vegetables, fruits, and other consumable materials. It would bring you great surprise how different your normal bananas look like today compared to years ago.


GMOs are utilized by large agricultural farms to produce massive amounts of crops and other food products. According to some studies, the United States produces genetically engineered 90% of cotton, soy, sugar beets, canola, and corn in the market. This shows how GMOs conquered the food market, and eventually, the food we consume daily. 

Knowing how GMO vastly impacts our food culture, it is only natural also to question its safety. Yes, it is beneficial for the market as it allows them to produce yields for all seasons, but we must also uncover how they affect our health. 


Furthermore, the Institute for Responsible Technology associated the genetically altered foods with harmful and allergic reactions, sickness, and sterile and dead organisms. 

In addition to that, many developed countries also acknowledge GMOs to be risky. These countries also provided restrictions and prohibitions on the manufacturing and marketing of genetically modified food. 

Knowing these adverse effects of Genetically Modified Organisms to our health serves to warn and remind us to make sure that the food we eat is clean and safe for our family and for us to consume.  


Pesticides are chemicals that are used on fruits, crops, and vegetables to protect them from insects, weeds, and other harmful elements. This substance is also widely used in agriculture to maintain their crops and get a bountiful harvest. 

Also, animals may encounter pesticides from the grasses (sprayed with chemicals) that they eat.

The food industry, especially in developed countries which have to cater to a greater population, utilize pesticides to ensure their crops’ survival until distribution. 

However, this extensive use of chemicals may contaminate the food products ingested by the people. 

As stated by The Center for Ecogenetics and Environmental Health, newborns, children, and pregnant women are at higher risks of getting adverse health effects when exposed to pesticides. Moreover, pesticide poisonings result in diarrhea, sickness, abdominal pain, dizziness, and other dangerous symptoms.

Nonetheless, we must thoroughly clean the food that we eat to avoid these mishaps from happening. This way, we can also make sure to strip off any signs and traces of pesticides from the fruits and vegetables we bought from the market.

Risks of Synthetic Hormones

The United States Food and Drug Administration ratified the use of ‘steroid hormone drugs’ in livestock since the 1950s. However, some countries in the European regions banned the production of farm animals injected by synthetic hormones


Farms inject these medications to cattle, sheep, and other animals to enhance their growth rate and efficacy. A documentary also reports that chickens bred at industrial farms are injected with these synthetic hormones to shorten their development to grow and reach production standards quickly.

On the other hand, hormones are immensely significant to our health and to balance the internal environment of our body. Slight changes and imbalances of these hormones in our body may lead to diseases and other harmful results. 

Constantly ingesting these meats would have its observable results in the future. Therefore, we must always guarantee the safety and cleanliness of the food that we buy from the grocery.


The food we eat nowadays is different from what it was centuries ago. Advancement in technology and research led to the progress of food culture as well. However necessary, we must not turn a blind eye to the adverse effects these modifications implemented on our food.


To guard our health, we must meticulously clean and sanitize our food before we prepare them for consumption.

For your guaranteed food cleanliness and safety, avail our ever trusted Amazing Water Food Sanitizer, bringing you a high-quality home food sanitizer.

For your inquiries, kindly visit our website and check out other leading technologies.


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