How to Clean the Tap Water You’re Ingesting In your Home


Contaminants can accumulate in our drinking water supply in several ways. Some can travel through pipes that make their way to our internal tubing. Regardless of the process, we can’t avoid pollutants from contaminating our taps, especially if we lack a whole house filtration system.

Furthermore, most contaminants naturally occur in the water source before finding their way into our piping systems and water lines. Besides, water treatment processes can also contribute to contaminated tap water with foreign chemicals.

That said, the Environmental Protection Agency states that North Americans now ingest 300 up to 600 times the amount of chlorine that is under safe thresholds. The increased contaminants in our drinking water threaten our health and safety.

In a survey about the Canadian Water Sector, the results describe that aging water pipelines and water treatment plants pose the highest risk in affecting water quality. The EPA also defines contaminants as any foreign materials — biological, chemical, radiological, or physical matter in water.

Additionally, prolonged consumption of contaminated water can result in mild to severe diseases, depending on the number of contaminants and a person's health.

As a result, you need to safeguard your family from contaminated tap water using healthy, complete, and clean drinking water filtration systems on today’s market.

The Whole House System

Key Benefits:

UV Light Protection

  • Clean and Clear Water Everywhere

  • Removes Chlorine and Chloramines

  • Protects Pipelines and Fixtures

  • Protects Hot Water Tank

  • Protects Home Appliances

  • Healthier Pets and Plants

  • Inhibits Algal, Bacterial, and Fungal growth on pipelines


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