Top 10 Interesting Facts About Earth's Drinking Water

Top 10 Facts Drinking Water

There’s no arguing that water is the most vital resource in the world. However, citizens in most urban areas and business districts take it for granted — thinking that it’s always been available and accessible.

However, there’s more to our drinking water than meets the eye. That said, Amazing Water brought together ten (10) of the most interesting facts about Earth’s drinking water that you may not know.

By the end of this post, you would see the bigger picture and appreciate our water resources from a better perspective.

So Much Water, So Little to Drink

So Much Water So Little To Drink

While water pours down from the clouds and flows indefinitely in springs and rivers, it is still a limited resource. Here’s our first interesting fact as we cascade down to the rest of the list.

Water covers about 332,500,000 cubic miles on earth, but only a hundredth of one percent is available for human consumption.

  1. Roughly 25% of all bottled waters come from the municipal water supply plants — practically the same place where your tap water comes from.

  2. The United States consumes roughly 200 billion gallons of water every day.

  3. A typical American household uses more than 100,000 gallons of water every year.

  4. The standard threshold for water contaminants is no more than five percent (5%) of total coliform presence from public water supply samples.

  5. Globally, about 748 million people have no access to safe and clean drinking water supply and still rely on unprotected and unsafe natural springs.

  6. Our bodily processes significantly depend on water, including our skeletal, nervous, digestive, respiratory system, and other bodily functions. It is also crucial for homeostasis and maintaining our body temperature.

  7. Roughly 1.8 billion people in the world drink water with significantly high fecal coliform levels.

  8. 38% of medical facilities in low and middle-income countries don’t have a clean and improved water source. Moreover, 19% of those establishments have unimproved sanitation, and 35% have neither handwashing kits nor water supply.

  9. Ignoring water leakage can have expensive consequences. A household leak at one drop per second can waste more than 3000 gallons a year. Nationwide, that’s roughly 1 trillion gallons of water wasted.




Contrary to most opinions, water is an indispensable yet highly limited resource. Keeping these facts in mind, we hope you can establish smarter decisions in drinking safe and healthy water.

To ensure a coliform-free and efficiently filtered drinking water, trust only the Amazing Water Whole House Filtration System. Our filtration process utilizes multiple stages, including:

  • Polyphosphate filtration

  • Activated Carbon Block filter

  • KDF filtration

  • Alkaline pH+

  • And UV technology


How Does Water Filtration Works


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