How Does Water Filtration Works

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Water is a vital and indispensable resource that everyone needs every day. Whether taking a short walk, working at home, or enjoying a barbecue night, you cannot enjoy these moments without hydrating with clean and healthy water.

Hence, before you set out and install a whole house filter right away, you might want to learn the basics of how your water filtration system works. You’ll also need to know whether or not having one installed is ideal for your family.

Whole House Water Filter Defined

A whole house water filtration system primarily provides filtered and clean water throughout the entire piping system, not just your taps.

In other words, a whole house water filter cleans the water you use when showering, brushing your teeth, or washing vegetables and meat. More importantly, it purifies the water you drink after meals, workouts, and when rehydrating.


That means you will have to install your water filtration system at the entry point from the municipal water supply line. Furthermore, a whole house water filter system blocks contaminated water from breaching your water supply system, as discussed.

Moving forward, let’s discuss how a whole house water filter system works. Basically, our filtration system purifies your water through a five-step process.

Kinetic Degradation Fluxion Filter

The municipal water supply that flows to your home first enters a Kinetic Degradation Fluxion (KDF) filter chamber that blocks most large particulates, contaminants, and impurities present in water.

The KDF filter blocks particulate matter and microorganisms larger than five (5) microns in size, including silt and sediments. The first step is to prevent long-term damage to your plumbing system and appliances that use tap water.

The KDF filter contains high-purity catalytic carbon, copper, and zinc to remove heavy metals such as iron, lead, arsenic, mercury, and more.

Depending on the quality and amount of usage, you may need to replace your KDF cartridge every two months or more, depending on your usage. Sediment levels can also vary from one supply to another. Hence, seeing a noticeable change in filter color and a decrease in your flow rate suggests a prompt filter replacement.

Polyphosphate Crystals Filter

Municipal water treatment plants use chlorine and chloramines to treat water before it reaches your taps. Unfortunately, the chlorine particles and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) turn into vapor once they get to your shower steam.

The said compounds can contaminate the air within your bathroom. Chloramines and chlorine particles also have considerably long shelf lives, leaving contaminants on surfaces for prolonged periods.

Activated Carbon Block Stage

Activated carbon has been popular in the filtration industry for a long time. Amazing Water uses ACB filters as one of the main filtration media in our whole house water filter system.

The ACB filter is synthesized from laboratory vacuum treated coconut husk carbon and FDA approved food-grade materials to bind with contaminants and pull them out from the water supply.

Moreover, we designed the ACB filter to absorb chemical impurities like copper, herbicides, and pesticide contaminants in water. It also helps neutralize foul odor and taste in your tap water, so you can only enjoy that refreshing taste.

The EPA also recommends activated carbon for most filtration systems. our team adhered to these suggestions to optimize our whole house water filter and ensure safe and potable water.

Our three-step process uses only high-quality materials engineered to provide optimal performance to filter and cleanse municipal water systems. Our clients are a testament of our time-tested whole house water filter, and we’ll carry on providing safe and potable water for every household.



Everyone needs to rehydrate with healthy and clean water, that includes people living with municipal water systems. Revitalize your drinking water with Amazing Water Whole House Filtration System.

The health benefits you can get from the Amazing Water Whole House Filtration System are endless. With our reliable and research-backed technology, our system can help you enjoy a healthy life without worrying about waterborne contaminants so you can drink with peace of mind.


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